I took a class a few weeks ago to learn more about QR codes. I have been having so much fun with them ever since. I made a QR Code Sight Word Video Read the Room Packet that I have loved!
Here is how I am using it. I made 36 sight word cards, each with a QR code that links to a video to go with that word. I put each of the YouTube videos on ViewPure, so that there are no ads, comments, or distractions. The words I included are: a, all, am, an and, are, at, be, can, come, do, for, get, go, he, I, in, is, it, like, look, me, my, no, of, off, on, see, she, the, to, up, we, what, who, with.
I also made 12 cards with QR codes that link to sight word songs which have lots of sight words. This picture shows some of the words with the codes and some of the songs with the codes:
Another way you could use this packet is to put the pages together in a binder so the children can scan and watch throughout the day, any time they finish early or have extra time.
You could also print these sight word cards out and send them home for extra practice at home.
Parents can download the free QR app and watch the videos at home!
My favorite QR Code app is called QR Reader for iPad by TapMedia Ltd. It is free, and the thing I like best about it is that to scan the code,
I also made a Math QR Code packet that my children love. What a perfect way to reinforce those standards! It has 40 math songs and makes a wonderful learning center!