Friday, May 24, 2013

Five for Friday!

I am linking up with Doodle Bugs for my Five for Friday! :)
This was a fun week.  Here are some from school, and some from home!

1.  My first fabulous part of the week was last Saturday.  My daughters and I always look forward to that day because we go to a huge neighborhood garage sale.  SO MUCH FUN.  This year, my oldest daughter, Ellie, was in a wedding and couldn't go.  My daughter Emily and I found her LOTS of hardcover books (James Patterson, Stephen King...). There is nothing like getting 5 hardcover, perfect condition books for $2! Except maybe getting $50 Victoria Secret sweatpants for $1 (for Emily).  I found lots of new manipulatives, toys, and books for the classroom.  Usually, I make my girls stalk a house with me because the wonderful woman who lives there is my size, shops at very nice stores (even her garage sale bags are Chico, Eddie Bauer, Loft...), and it seems she buys clothes, wears them once and sells them! My mission is to be there FIRST-so "stalk" is the only word to describe what I do, basically, until she opens! :)    This year, she didn't have a sale.  :( Still, we had such a great day! We always start at Dunkin Donuts  and finish up after the sales at the China Buffet.  Christmas in May! 

2.  Our school always has Grandparent's Day in May.  It is a lot of planning, but always one of my favorite days afterwards!  I had 57 people in my room this year. It was a bit humid and busy, but it was a very happy place.  My next post is going to be about the day. 
3.  We had our 4th and 5th grade Spring Concert this week for the school. It was so much fun to see my past students performing and being so proud.  However, it was an hour and a half... about an hour too long for my little guys!  The reason it is one of my favorites of the week is because I tried so  hard to remember all of the amusing things about my class during the concert.

First of all, I was sitting between my two usual assembly buddies :) .  My one little girl is very active and has a hard time sitting for 2 minutes, let alone 90, SO... she was a hoot. She asked me if she could dance for EVERY song.  She has only one little sister at home, but kept whispering that every boy she saw was her brother and everyone was her cousin.  Then she wanted to dance.  "I just really want to dance." "Can I dance now?" "I would LOVE to dance to this one." I kept suggesting that she make her fingers dance in her other hand, which was fun for about 15 minutes, but not enough for 90...  I kept thinking that I wanted the kids to LOVE music and love the experience of enjoying music, but instead I felt like  I kept reminding them to stay on their bottoms and not bounce in those auditorium seats.  You know the seats-- the ones that the kids don't bounce in because they KNOW they aren't supposed to, yet the ones that are almost irresistibly perfect for bouncing!

My little guy on the other side of me spent the last half hour tracing the veins in my hand. If I were on Twitter,  I would probably follow that with #howyouknowyouareold.  He was so amazed with my veins.  Who needs iPads and technology when your teacher has such fun old hands to keep you busy?

I just wanted to laugh out loud when the little boy behind me whispered in my ear, "Is it still morning?"  

Anyway, my class was really great, and it turned out to be one of my favorite moments of the week because I had lots of fun memories from it.  When I saw this poster, it pretty much summed that morning up for me!

4.  My flowers are finally coming out at home!
My little lupine area is blooming.  At the house we used to live in, I had a BIG "lupine corner" because they spread and were lovely.  At this new house, they are getting started!  
This is my little "fairy bench."  I love the bleeding heart and forget-me-nots- so did the cat who slept on them on the left side. :(  Or maybe I will choose to be positive and think it may have just been a huge fairy!  ha. 

As I was taking some pictures of my flowers, my cat was sleeping in the sun on our rock out front. I thought he looked cute so I took his picture. 
He thought he would try to look even cuter and roll around on the rock for me.  Oops.  That is probably sad that that made my top 5, but it really made me smile! :) Maybe because he slept on my forget-me-nots! 

5.  My sweet Ellie and my wonderful future son-in-law Matt changed my header on my blog and made me a button.  :)  THANK YOU! THANK YOU!  I love it! It is a picture of my class running to the playground, holding hands,  that I just loved.

Happy Memorial Day! Thank you for visiting!


  1. I just saw that teacher poster and loved it!

    Kimberly Ann
    Live, Laugh, I LOVE Kindergarten

    1. It is just perfect for either September or May/June! :) Funny how those months are so similar!

  2. Hahaha what a great post- I've just found your blog and started following along! Wow 90 minutes is a LONG time to expect little ones to sit still for. The little dancing girl sounds adorable and I loved the little dude tracing your hand!

    Have to admit- I loved the cat photos most of all haha! A Five for Friday isn't complete without a cat photo I think!

    x Serena x
    Magic Mistakes & Mayhem

    1. I agree- cat photos are sort of a must! :) I am so happy you found me and are following my blog! I went right over to yours and loved yours, too! :)

  3. First of all, the header is darling! Second, I have all boys and love them dearly, but I'dl love some girls to go to garage sales with. It sounds like fun! Maybe when my boys marry? your story about your veins has happened to me too. It has also happened with my feet when I wear sandals!HAHA! Loved your post.

    1. Thank you, Sandy! :) You are invited to come to Upstate NY next May and go with us!! You make me feel better that you also have a vein story. :) You can't hide anything from kindergarteners! Thank you for writing!

  4. I love that wine poster. Your story about the boy tracing your hand is priceless. I am your newest follower! :-)

    Mrs. Pauley's Kindergarten

    1. Thank you Amanda! Don't those corks just say it all on some days- and more and more this time of year! Thank you for following me!

  5. I found your blog through Five For Friday and am now your newest follower! I love lupines especially after reading Miss Rumphius!
    Polka Dot Kinders

    1. Thank you so much for following me! I love Miss Rumphius, too. I think that book was the best thing to ever happen to lupines! ha ha :)
