I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday. Thank you for hosting, Kacey!

I love sharing Here Comes Jack Frost with my class.
Some of the children weren't familiar with the word "frost," so we talked about that first. The book is illustrated with blue and white, and just feels chilly.
The boy in the book has lots of fun with Jack Frost, but Jack warns the boy not to mention anything warm, or he will go away.
Right then and there, we stopped the book and I had each child tell me what they would NOT mention to Jack Frost! I got lots of great answers from lava to hot chocolate to cozy slippers.
Then, we kept reading until...
(I loved introducing the children to snowdrops, because they're my FAVORITE flower!)
The kids actually gasped at this page when Jack was gone.
They really enjoyed this story.
At the end, I had them each think of something they could say that might bring Jack back- (so something cold). That was fun, too.
During free choice time, I had groups of four do this little activity. First, they wrote, "I like to play in the snow." (We are reallllly working on neat writing, spaces, capitals, and ending with a period...). Then, they drew a winter picture with a white crayon, followed by some blue water color painting over that to make a Jack Frost winter picture, just like the book. If you do this, remind them to draw a lot of details with the white crayon in their winter picture. They loved this because nobody else could tell what they had drawn before it was painted- and then it came to life magically before their eyes. I think I love my crayon resist activities as much as the kids do.
We did a little lesson about moods this week, and had a ball! This lesson went along with details in our illustrations, showing feelings through faces, actions, types of text (BIG, small, etc. ) .
The music teacher came in to observe an ELA lesson, so I decided to include some fun ideas she could use with music, like counting syllables with musical instruments, spelling sight words and playing the instrument as we said each letter, and hearing mood in songs.
We talked about how music in movies makes such a difference how we feel when we watch the movie- sometimes happy, sometimes sad, sometimes scary if we hear spooky music.
I made this quick Prezi to use for this lesson. We went through each picture and decided how the person felt in the picture- just by noticing facial features, eyebrows, eyes, mouth, hands, movement...
Then, as we looked at a picture, I had three different children tell me a story about WHY they thought the child in the picture felt like he/she did. It was wonderful! Everyone had very clever, different ideas- PERFECT for stories!
This gave me a great idea for morning work. The kids arrive different times each day- anytime from 8:40 until 9, so there are different amounts of time everyone has to actually complete morning work.
Each morning this week, I put a different picture up on the board. The children had to write a story WHY they thought the child in the picture felt like he/she did.
Here are a couple samples: This was sad day...
I LOVED how his sister is yelling- and you can see the noise in the rings- and then his tears as he says, "NO." awww...
"no won to play with..."
"her dog doyde."
("Her dad died in the army."- Wow. That didn't really happen, by the way, or it would have been beyond sad...)
This was happy day!
(Jack had been sick for a while...)
She was out sick, too and she was happy to be back at school. She wins.
He took down 3 chairs (or tars). When the kids come in, they take the chairs down, and I always praise them a LOT for being such great workers- and super strong...
The kids had fun with the rest of the Prezi, too. We listened to parts of the different songs, and decided how they made us feel.
Here is a quick way to practice stretching out words and hearing sounds! I did this for a center with me. The kids were so proud that they could hear so many sounds (compared to the beginning of the year, when I told them that they used to only write one letter for a word!). Doing this activity during a center with me let me expand on a lot of teaching about word chunks. We made a list of words that had the "or" sound like in "corn." We heard the "ch" in "chip" and "cheese." They were so proud to here "am" in hamburger (That was a bonus word on back.).
We also talked a lot about why syllables were important- because when you are trying to spell words by chunks, hearing the syllables or parts of the word helps us focus on writing each part- for example "ham-bur-ger." Pancake was great, because the kids heard "an" in "pan" and then we talked about that magic "e" in cake. We wrote all sorts of "ake" word family words to help us see what those words looked like.
I enlarged them and made a simple drawing book for my class, which they have loved. Plus, they get to use the glitter crayons- so...
If you would like a copy of my little drawing book, click on the picture below!

I am SO EXCITED that Dr. Jean's Math Recipes will be coming out in February. I was so honored to be able to write another book with Dr. Jean. We put together our very best math activities- tried and true. I had so much fun writing this book. I hope you will love the ideas as much as we do. You can pre-order the book now!
Here is a write up about the book from SDE:
This is the second in the series of "recipe" books from Dr. Jean. Written in collaboration with Carolyn Kisloski, the colorful book is full of engaging, easy-to-follow recipes for math activities. The activities focus on the five domains outlined in the Common Core math standards (Counting and Cardinality, Operations and Algebraic Thinking, Number Operations and Base Ten, Measurement and Data, and Geometry) and fits seamlessly into any classroom. The activities can be used for large group activities, small group activities, partner work, or independent learning. Teachers can turn to them for transitions, brain breaks, or whenever they have five extra minutes in the day and want to make them count. Most of the lessons don`t require advanced preparation or special materials, and all can be differentiated to meet the needs of the learners in any classroom. The recipes fit right into any existing math program. Teachers can open this book and quickly find an idea that they can adapt to their standards and the specific skills that they want to reinforce.
I will be sharing some of my favorite math ideas and mentor texts with you soon. And probably some "outtakes" from the pictures I took for the book. My sweet students are the models for the pictures to go with the activities. They did such a great job for the pictures. Although, I took over a thousand pictures to actually end up with the ones we used. Sometimes, the picture seemed so EASY in my head, and then in real life with real live children, it didn't quite go as planned. Go figure!
Have a wonderful weekend. Thank you for stopping by!