I've put together lots and lots (over 80!) of turkey freebies from TpT just in case you need some fun activites for the next couple weeks!
I hope you have fun checking them out. I like having this resource to come back to- and know everything is in one place, and thought that you might, too.
I hope you have fun checking them out. I like having this resource to come back to- and know everything is in one place, and thought that you might, too.
Here is one of my favorite fun turkey activities that I look forward to doing with my class each year. This is one of my favorite stories from last year- I think because she calls her one grandma, "Cookie Grandma."
The activity started out to be a "How to Make a Thanksgiving Dinner" children's recipe book when I first did this. I have changed it a little bit over the years. I start by asking the children what they are thankful for, after we have our morning lesson on being thankful. Then, I ask them what they do on Thanksgiving. Here are some questions I may ask: Do you stay at home or go somewhere? Who comes over or is at dinner with you? What do you have to eat? Who gets the turkey? Where do they get the turkey? How do they cook it? How long? How do you know when it is done? Do you do anything else special on Thanksgiving?
I love every minute of the interviews! The children color a beautiful turkey. I type up their fabulous story and put it on their turkey. Then, the turkeys go over their lockers in the hall.
I put together all of the stories in a Special Thanksgiving Dinner book that I send home with each child before Thanksgiving break, with their special turkey and story stapled on top. I include a note to parents explaining that I wrote down exactly what each child told me, and even read it back to each one to be sure it was what he/she wanted to say.
Sometimes it is just fun to see what is really important to a child, and to remember to enjoy the simple, fun moments- and not worry so much about everything else. Children will not always remember the exact details of what was planned, but they will remember feeling that it was something special.
Here are some of my favorite Thanksgiving books that I love to read to my class.
Every year, I literally cannot wait for Halloween to be over so I can read A Turkey For Thanksgiving, by Eve Bunting, to the kids. That has to be my very favorite. I love the expressions on the animals, the way Mr. Moose pushes the turkey to his house for Thanksgiving, and the relief on the turkey's face when he realizes that he is a guest for Thanksgiving- not the meal. I think another reason it is a favorite, is that the kids are genuinely concerned for the turkey (maybe because I play it up so much that I feel SO BAD for him...). A sort of relief falls across our room when it ends happily.
In November, by Cynthia Rylant, is a beautiful book, too. Her illustrations are so sweet. This book is perfect for making connections and discussing what happens in November. My friend Sandy, at Kinder-Gardening, shared how to make a sweet pop-up book about all the "no's" of November (No green grass, No blue sky, No bare feet going by,...) This book would go along great with that activity! You can see her book idea here!
I love Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving. What a fun idea! The kids love to explain exactly what happened and retell this one.
The others are fun and silly, too. Pete the Cat is always a favorite- no matter what he is doing. This Thanksgiving book is actually informational, and of course, the kids love it.
The Pilgrims' First Thanksgiving is a good book with lovely illustrations if you want to get more serious and actually discuss Thanksgiving! (I thought I better throw a 'real' one in there!) Sometimes it gets a little detailed for my class, but they love the pictures, and I condense it a little. My class this year loves learning about Thanksgiving and was very attentive for this book, with lots of questions all the way through.
We also sing LOTS of Thanksgiving songs and do many finger plays. I made this parent note for the children to take home before Thanksgiving, so that they can share some of the songs and finger plays at home. Sometimes they just need a little reminder of a song to get singing. The children know the motions, but it is hard to remember all the different little songs. It is fun for the children to be able to perform on Thanksgiving Day for visitors, too! If you would like a copy of the songs, just click on the picture below.
Ready for the freebies? Gobble, gobble, let's get started! First I have some Literacy Freebies. Come on and follow me! (Do you not LOVE him?!)

Turkey-Themed Literacy Freebies
I thought this Turkey Match Up by lbaxer was adorable!

Here is a cute Turkey Sight Word Flash Cards set by Becca Stitch. I love having different flash cards. I use them all the time.

Here are some cute Oh Turkey! Sight Words by Learning Ahoy.

My kids will love this Thanksgiving Turkey Teeny Tiny Sightwords activity by Karen Young. Anything to do with magnifying glasses is a hit with them! So cute!

SC2 Teacher made a Gobbling Up Sight Words Game to share.

They also shared a First Grade Word List and a Second Grade Word List Game.

Here is a Turkey Color By Sight Words by Tessa Maguire.

Here is another Color By Sightword activity by Grade One Snapshots. These make great centers or morning work activities.

Kristin Kring shared a fun Thanksgiving Write the Room Activity.

Here is another Roll and Read Turkeys Game by Shawna Devoe.

Andrea Mason has this Thanksgiving Word Fun Freebie at her store!

This is a great little short e Word Family Turkey Work activity by The TLC Shop.

This Build a Turkey Center Activity by My Fabulous Class focuses on the at and an word families.

Hide Turkey Hide by Terri Izatt is a wonderful Emergent Reader to help the children practice positional words.

Jodi Waltman has a cute Where is the Turkey Noun/Preposition Book at her store. I was so excited to find her because my maiden name is Waltman! It kind of made my day!

Donna Thompson made a Turkey Hunt Opposite Game that she shared at her TPT store.

I loved this Picture Perfect A-Z Turkey for alphabetical order by SloaneDidIt!

Donna Glynn made this great Turkey Scramble.

I like these Turkey Trouble Sound Boxes by JD's Rockin Readers.

I like this My Hungry Turkey Emergent Reader by Expressly Speaking.

This is an adorable Five Little Turkeys Emergent Reader by Learn a Latte.

Erica Durfin has a great Turkey, Turkey What Do You See (Punctuation and Coloring) book.

This Five Little Turkeys Emergent Reader is by Kindergarten Fever.

Here is a quick little Turkey Trot Handwriting Practice Sheet, from ATBOT the Book Bug, great for morning work!

Expressive Monkey has some cute Thankful Turkey Feathers ready to go!

Elementary Creations shared this I Am Thankful For Writing Activity.

Amy Haffly shared some I AmThankful For Writing Activities.

I love these Giving Thanks Writing Templates from Debbie Palacios Hayes.

Tiny Teaching Shack shared a Thanksgiving Writing Packet for K-2.

This is a cute Persuasive Writing Activity by In That Room.

Lisa Richling shared a wonderful Thanksgiving How To Writing Packet with ten different "how to" writing prompts at her TPT store.

Brittany Lynch shared these Thanksgiving Writing Prompts.

Ashley Reed shared a Thanksgiving ELA Freebie Packet at her store.

We have lots of Turkey Math Fun in our classroom, too. My sweet friend Betty made this adorable quilted turkey for my classroom last year. The kids love him. Well, her- I guess- because her name is Cranberry. Doesn't that sound like a girl? I think so. We voted. It came down
to Cranberry or Bob.
Anyway, I wanted to think of something fun to do with her, so I decided on this quick math review.
I put different colored Post Its with different packets of skills that I wanted to review on each feather. I used the wonderful Turkey Round Up Relay numbers from Krazy for Kindergarten. I just divided the numbers into three groups for these different skills.
(Here was one group of numbers.)
I also used these cute Thanksgiving Ten Frames from Jessica Tobin.
The other skills on feathers were: Name the 2D shapes. Why are they 2D?; Name the 3D shapes. Why are they 3D?; Count to 100 Turkey Style (Clap or slap your thighs 1-4, then on the 5's you wave your feathers over your head, clap or slap your thighs 6-9, then for 10's you wave your tail feathers- continue the pattern to 100... Counting Turkey Style may not be common knowledge...) Addition/Subtraction turkey word problems to 5.
These are simple, simple as you can see. I was thinking maybe a laminated turkey with Velcro dots to hold the packets may work well, too. I didn't want to hurt Cranberry in any way, so I just used masking tape to hold them on this week.
Did I mention simple? Here is the next step. One child drew a colored Post-It from this bag, and we did the task that matched that color. We did one before lunch. We did three this afternoon. We will use this the next couple weeks, and I can just change the tasks. I didn't even have anything clever to draw from so I made this really quickly.
The cute little turkey is from Turkey Math Mat Roll and Cover by Holly's Hobbie Kindergarten. I printed out and used her wonderful game (that I shared below) for RTI today.
I absolutely loved these Shape Turkeys from Housing a Forest! LOVED them.
So... here was our attempt. I feel like this is some sort of "Shape Turkey Fail"- but not really. We have been working on calling that darn diamond a RHOMBUS. It has been tricky- so I put out LOTS of rhombi ( I feel pretentious saying that for some reason.) I put out lots of rhombus shapes. (I like that a little better.) I also put out some heads, bodies, feet, waddles, eyes and beaks. The kids had lots of fun because I used special papers- shiny, textured, sparkling... You can't tell, but the waddles are fuzzy and soft. It's the little things, I guess, that make your day in Kindergarten.
I also LOVED this little guy from Bethany, at The Many Layers of Me. How cute is he?
This one is from Putti's World.
Here is a game that can be used for EVERYTHING. Just for everyday use, it is The Blanket Game. During our Eric Carle unit, it is The Hermit Crab Game. At Christmas, we call it Wrapping the Present. This time of year it is Run, Turkey, Run.

The children sit in a circle on the rug. I choose one name stick to be the child who closed his/her eyes in our back section of the room (behind a book shelf). I choose another name stick to be the turkey who hides under the blanket. We practice this game before we actually play it. I have one child peek intentionally- so he knew who was hiding, and we saw how it really took the fun away from the game. I also have the children practice being completely quiet and not giving away any hints about who is the turkey. One child is the "clue giver," if the child guessing needs a hint. This game is great practice for noticing details about friends and describing each other. (For example, "It is a girl." "This person has red hair." "This person's name starts with a B." "This person wears glasses.") It is also great for remembering names of our class friends. Here is a picture from last year of my class playing this game. The one boy in the orange is the clue giver, and the one in green is the guesser. They loved it because at the end, I got under the blanket for the last guesser, and was a REALLY BIG TURKEY hiding. (I am getting on the treadmill right after I post this...whatever, kids... I wasn't THAT BIG!)
Here are some wonderful Turkey-themed Math Freebies I found at TPT. If you download them, please leave some wonderful feedback at the sellers' stores. I noticed some of these had THOUSANDS of downloads and three feedback or something silly like that. I so appreciate all of these wonderful products. They are such a fun way to teach and reinforce math skills. Enjoy!

Turkey-Themed Math Freebies

I love this Turkey Chip Reinforcement Activity by Mrs. Tslp. I love using these for RTI, practicing letters, sounds, and numbers one on one or even in small groups.

A Teacher Without a Class has a cute Roll and Draw Turkey Activity. I like this because it is easy enough for the kids to draw the parts.

Kindergarten Squared also has a cute Roll a Turkey Freebie.

Or this cute Roll a Turkey by Mrs. Klassen's Jungle.

This Turkey Patterns paper by Rachelle Hughes is a great activity.

Young and Lively Kindergarten shared a great Turkey Time Roll, Count, and Color activity.

Elizabeth Hodge made a great Turkey Roll and Color Activity.

This Turkey Math Mat Roll and Cover by Holly's Hobbie Kindergarten was perfect for my few who still need lots of number recognition reinforcement.

I like these roll and cover Gobble Gobble Thanksgiving Math Freebies from Adventures in Kindergarten.

Pink Cat Studio has a cute Thanksgiving Turkey ShapeCount and Graph Math Activity.

Monica Hart-Nolan made this Count and Graph Turkeys Activity with different looking turkeys to graph.

Maria Manore from Kinder-Craze has an adorable Color By Number Turkey!

Here is a fun Color By Numbers 10-15 by Mrs. Quinn to reinforce those tricky numbers.

Kindergarten Creator has a cute Color By Teen Number Turkey.

This cute Turkey Roll and Cover game is by Scribble, Doodle, and Draw. I actually used this yesterday a little differently. I used it for RTI and wrote the numbers I wanted my students to work on in the circle. They had to dab the number I said- or read the number and dab it. The kids loved it! I may do it with letters tomorrow.

This Turkey Feathers Addition Facts to 10 by Julie VanAlst is a great activity.

Here is a quick little Turkey Addition and Subtraction page from Teresa Williams- fun for a center or morning work!

This is a cute Add and Subtract with Turkey Math by Kate Giella.

Amber Monroe always makes such wonderful products. I love her Touchdown Turkey Unit.

This Touchdown Turkey Emergent Reader by The Climbing Grapevine would go great with Amber's unit.

These are great Turkey Count Cards by TiTi's Teaching Tools.

TiTi's Teaching Tools also has these Turkey Ten Frames!

Here are some great Thanksgiving Ten Frames from Jessica Tobin. We used them today!

I love these Free Fast Turkey Number Fluency Sheets by Can You Read It Yes We Can. This is perfect for some of my children!

Krazy for Kindergarten has a great Turkey Round Up Relay for number identification practice, and great for so many different things!

This is a cute Turkey Feather Counting and Number Writing Book by If You Give a Teacher a Treat.

Live, Laugh, I Love Kindergarten has this Turkey Number Book Freebie.

This Colorful Turkeys Math Emergent Reader is by Krazy for Kindergarten

Turkey Tens Ordering Numbers and Counting By Tens from the Brainy Boutique would be a great center.

How about some Gobble Gobble Number Bond Activities by Positively Learning?

Turkey Time Problem Solving by Kristen Raxter would make a fun math center or group activity with word problems.

I like this Turkey Feather Math- Ways to Show a Number by Tiphani Hodge.

This Feathered Facts Freebie by Jodi Southard is great for November math practice!

Judy Buckley shared a November Roll and Record Packet.

We're not done yet! These freebies were just all sorts of fun with turkeys.
Turkey-Themed FUN Freebies
Schenk Kindershop shared her Thanksgiving Turkey Handprint Activity. We always make these, and I was so happy to find this background!

These Thanksgiving Bucket Filler Notes from Alisha Sanders go along with the poster perfectly!

For His Glory shared a great Thankful for Fall Game and Activity.

Second Grade Smiles made this cute little tag to attach to a bag of candy corn Turkey Toes! So cute!

YAY for Pre-K shared these cute Thanksgiving Tags.

I love this cute Turkey Paper Craft by Pink Cat Studio.

JK Connection shared a wonderful Thanksgiving Singable Book. It is TURKEY FEAST (to the Mickey Mouse Club tune! )

Here is another cute Snip, Tear, Share Turkey Glyph by Staysha Rhoden.

Turkey-Themed Food Ideas
If you click on the picture, it will take you to the original site! Oh my...so cute!
I love these little favors!
I absolutely LOVE this memory basket from Danielle's Place! This site has lots of Thanksgiving ideas. Go check it out! The basket items each represent something from the first Thanksgiving: the stick pretzels are the trees cut down for log homes, the mini marshmallows remind us of the first snowy winter, candy corn and fish crackers remind us how Squanto helped the Pilgrims learn to plant corn and add a dead fish in the hole with the seeds...and so much more. SO adorable!

A Class of Kinders shared this cute Thankful Thoughts Thanksgiving Placemat Freebie.

Thank you for stopping by! I hope you found some fun things to do for Thanksgiving! I'd love you to stop over to my blog, Kindergarten: Holding Hands and Sticking Together, and follow me there!
This is a wonderful collection of Thanksgiving activities! Thank you so much!
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