I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday. Thank you for hosting, Kacey!

We worked on these number bonds with gold on St. Patrick's Day! This worksheet is from The Printable Princess. It was in a packet a while ago- but I think the packet has changed and I can't find it there now.
Anyway- we worked on number bonds using our 'real' gold. I spray paint lots of rocks with gold spray paint, and have counters forever. The leprechauns also left everyone a piece of the 'real' gold, too.
The leprechauns wrote on our table with dry erase markers, and that gave me a great idea- so... I made number bonds for the children right on the table! They loved it. It came right off with cleaner after we were done.
Making the number bonds right on the table was a great way for the children to use manipulatives and really visualize the number bonds. I'm thinking jelly beans are next... Maybe I'll make a bunny face for the big part of the number bond, and then each ear will be the other parts.
We needed some sunshine. Upstate NY is pretty dreary all winter long... These were so easy to make. I did it with the kids one at a time. I drew the arch on the bottom. Each child painted that first, then I painted each child's hand so she could stamp it on for the sun rays.
I wrote "You are my SUNSHINE!" on a paper for them to copy. They did a really great job.
I wrote "You are my SUNSHINE!" on a paper for them to copy. They did a really great job.
I hung these over the children's lockers, and we made a poster to go over the top. I always love this saying. Snow White is so wise...
I wrote a few weeks ago about my Chit-Chat topics. What I've been loving lately is my new line up activity. Usually I have the children chit chat for the few minutes after writing, after they wash up, before lunch. With a couple minutes left, I'll get everyone's attention and have them ask their partner a 'Line Up Question.' Each child must tell me what his/her partner's answer was before lining up. These are simple questions like, "What's your partner's favorite color? favorite animal? favorite ice cream flavor? favorite toy..."
The first time I did this, I got a few, "I forgot," or "I don't know." Well- that doesn't get you a spot in line! I said, "Well, you better ask again and remember so you can line up!" Then I moved on to the next person. Next time- every single one of them remembered!
It's important to be a good listener, to really listen to friends and pay attention. I want them to know that now. It matters. I feel like with the world moving faster and faster, it's more important than ever to teach children to truly listen to each other.
It's important to be a good listener, to really listen to friends and pay attention. I want them to know that now. It matters. I feel like with the world moving faster and faster, it's more important than ever to teach children to truly listen to each other.
If you would like a copy of my topics that I use, just click the picture below. I print out a copy and leave it on my desk. Then, I check off the one that we use. I also use this as a writing prompt sometimes for morning work.
It's my FAVORITE time of year... I got to teach my kids The Water Cycle song. Dr. Jean and I made a packet all about The Water Cycle, Water, and Clouds! I posted about it HERE.
We've added all of our FAVORITE activities in the packet.
In my post, I share some of the fun things I love to do when I teach the water cycle that fit into math and ELA.
Here is the Prezi that is included with the packet. This Prezi includes The Water Cycle song by Steve Songs. We also love singing Dr. Jean's The Water Cycle song, (the download is included in the packet)- and WOW- do my kids know all about the water cycle!

Here is my class singing the song after only one week! I think it is impossible to NOT be happy after we do this song.

I shared this post before, but I just reread it and loved it all over again. I thought I'd share it with you again in case you didn't see it. I love Marc and Angel. They just write practical things that makes sense- and make you go, "YEAH, that's so right."
The post has a great write up about each thing, but here were some of my favorites, with different pictures I put with each one.
There were SO many that I really, really loved. Which ones are your favorites?
Thank you for stopping by. Have a wonderful weekend!