Happy March! I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday. Thank you for hosting, Kacey!

This week, I introduced Bossy "e" or Magic "e." A few weeks ago, we talked about Bossy "r", so the children were ready for another bossy letter. Some of my kids are really ready to take off with Bossy "e," (and not just because they enjoy being bossy themselves sometimes...) because they are noticing the silent e at the end of words in their books.
We LOVE these videos!
Susanna from Whimsy Workshop does a DARLING Bossy E idea that I loved from the minute I saw it. Isn't it the cutest thing?
Mrs. Pollard, from Tales of a Teacherista, has a wonderful, wonderful Silent E Word Activity FREE at her TPT store that I use and LOVE!

I made this anchor chart for the children-more plain and ugly much less cute and fancy than Susanna's, but with her idea. I started with two of the same words and no "e." Then, during morning rug time when I introduced it, a child came up, glued on the Bossy "e," and said, "SAY YOUR NAME!" to the vowel before it.
During small group center time, we reviewed our lesson. We read both words across the paper and saw that without an "e" they were the same word. Then, the children added a Bossy "e" to the left side list.
We highlighted the vowel, who would now say its own name, and then read the new words. This really helped the children get the idea of what that "e" actually does.
Traci has this great free worksheet at her blog. You can stop over to her blog and get a copy!
Thank you, Traci!
We reviewed the words from Mrs. Pollard's activity. I laminated the papers, and just stuck the "e" on with putty.
We review some words each morning during our rug time, just to remember the short vowel sound without the "e" and then the long vowel sound with the magic "e." The children are doing really well. Sometimes I have the girls do a word, then the boys; sometimes I have one child do a word; sometimes we all do it together. JUST when I thought we sort of "got it," (on the 3rd day of reviewing this) I said, "m-a-d... Here is my clue for that word," and I made a mad face. The kids thought that was funny- and then I put the magic "e" at the end waiting for them to say "made" and... they said, "HAPPY!" I just sort of stood there... So... we keep practicing!
Whenever we have a few minutes between reading and writing, or after snack when I want to clean up the tables and get set up for centers, I have the children Chit-Chat with a friend on the rug (or in a group of 3 if needed). The children sit knee to knee with a friend and talk about our topic for the day. Then, the other friend asks a question about what was said. We practiced, and I modeled it with some of the kids. They know that they will be chit-chatting with different people each day- or nobody at all if they complain...so... They actually are really great about just sitting down with someone who is near them on the rug.
Every day, we have a different Chit-Chat topic, and the kids love it! Some days they come into the room in the morning before school even starts and ask what we are chit-chatting about today. I guess they like to prepare.
An extension of this activity is when I ask one partner a question about what the other said. For example, after we chit chat about favorite ice cream flavors, I might ask one partner to tell me what the other partner's favorite flavor was, to see if they were paying attention. That keeps them on their toes and helps them realize that listening to friends is important.
An extension of this activity is when I ask one partner a question about what the other said. For example, after we chit chat about favorite ice cream flavors, I might ask one partner to tell me what the other partner's favorite flavor was, to see if they were paying attention. That keeps them on their toes and helps them realize that listening to friends is important.
If you would like a copy of my topics that I use, just click the picture below. I print out a copy and leave it on my desk. Then, I check off the one that we use. I also use this as a writing prompt sometimes for morning work.
My kids have had so much fun reading sight word sentences. I call them FLASH sentences because they read them in a flash. Sometimes during reading group, if we have a few minutes after a story, I will go around the table having each child read a sentence. If they get it right, they get to keep it in their pile.
If you would like a copy of these sentences, just click on the picture below. They are SIMPLE. I just copied them off on cardstock, cut them apart, and we use them all the time. Sometimes I pick one out as a sentence that I dictate that they have to write on the back of a morning work paper.
I posted HERE earlier in the week about some ideas I like to use for list writing with my class. I love to find authentic ways to have the children write, so they see WHY it's important to know how to write neatly and to use as many sounds as they can in tricky words so they can read it and others can, too!

I found this post from Teachmama.com called What Not to Say to Emerging Readers a couple years ago, and I find myself thinking back to it often, so I thought I'd share it in case you haven't seen it. She gives you some good things to think about as you gently guide you students to read more and more. Here is the video of the post. This would be really great to share with parents, too.
Here is the part that I am was guilty of saying sometimes...
I always felt like I was saying it positively and as encouragement, but I see exactly what she is saying in her article, and I am not going to say it anymore. (I catch myself!)
This is what Amy Mascott (the author) says:
- DON’T SAY: You know this. . .
INSTEAD SAY: What part of the word do you recognize? If you get no response, say, Do you recognize this part (point to the beginning chunk or letter) or this part (point to the ending chunk or letter)?
Three things here:1. If the kid knew it, she would have read it.2. We all hate to be reminded that we knew something but forgot it.3. By picking out two parts of the word, you’re setting her up for success. It all goes back to the choices thing that really helps with kids. Most likely she will recognize either the ‘b’ or ‘-at’ part of ‘bat’ or the ‘th’ or ‘-ick’ parts of ‘thick’. If she can pick up either part, say, You got it! That does say ‘ick’. Now let’s put the first part, (give it to her and pronounce it) ‘th’ together with ‘ick’: th-ick. Thick!Then put that new word into the sentence and give her a high-five for getting through it.
It is so good for me to think how I would feel if someone had been working with me on Physics or Chemistry (are you seeing a connection between me and a lack of science understanding?! yep.), and we had just gone over something, and I got to a question and had no idea how to do it. I would NOT want to hear, "You KNOW this!"
I remember taking a class where the teacher had our names written with symbols that we had to try to learn and recreate to "write" our names. It was hard! That was such a wonderful lesson to help put me in my little guys' shoes.
Thank you for stopping by. Have a wonderful weekend!
Love the Flash Sentences! The kids feel so empowered when they can read. Thanks for making kids feel good about themselves.
Once a Teacher, Always a Teacher
Thanks for the Chit-Chat topic list... some days I just cannot invent one more five year old topic!! This will be useful in more than one way. See ya! Kathleen
ReplyDeleteWe Chit Chat too in our class, but not everyday!! I'm going to start doing that!! Love the idea of modeling it as well! Thanks for sharing!! Linda Groce of Linda's Learning Loot :)
ReplyDeleteI love the Chit Chat idea! They're going to talk anyway, so why not practice conversation skills and staying on topic? :)
ReplyDeletePerfect timing again, Carolyn!!! I love it all.