I have loved reading all about the I Teach K convention, and seeing all the wonderful, happy pictures. I am so proud of so many of my friends for their accomplishments and acknowledgments!
My wonderful friend Sandy, from Kinder-Gardening has been making theee most fabulous aprons to use in the classroom, and they sold out right away at the conference! YOU GO SANDY! They are just amazing for teaching- and the kids LOVE them! They are useful for everything- making sight words, sentences, number sentences, ordering numbers... I LOVE mine! You can get one at Sandy's TPT Store!
Dan Colquhoun (Rockin Dan Teaching Man ) had his songs highlighted at different presentations because they are AWESOME! The kids have so much fun learning with them. I am so excited that even more people are going to be using them. The link will take you to his Youtube channel!
My sweet Susanna's graphics (Whimsy Workshop) were used all over the place at presentations- and of course they were.

They are also AWESOME. I use her products in my classroom all.the.time. I am thrilled for her work to be recognized even more!

I am SO glad everyone had such a great time. I had a wonderful week, too.
When we went to get Holly, she had taken the shirt I gave her from school that I kept as an extra- and fashioned it into her travel shirt. It says, "Trust me. I'm a doctor." I knew we were off to a great start...
They planned such a fun secret get-a-way, and we had so many laughs and so much fun! AND a facial.
For a minute, I was
Here was our spa- ahhhhh.
Before the facial... aka no make-up.
None of us had ever had one... so 50 was the year for me to have one, don't you think?
We ate
and ate
and ate
great food. We saw an Arthur Treacher's- but were too full of fancy food to eat there. I haven't seen one of them in YEARS and had such great memories of going there with my mom and sister when I was younger. Maybe they are all over and I am just missing out.
We saw Tammy. Oh my gosh. Tammy!
We shopped, shopped a little more, ate a little more.
We talked and talked and talked, and talked some more- with lots of laughs sprinkled in all along the way.
We were trying to get lucky. That is how crazy we got in that department. Holly got us scratch off cards!
We are all refreshed and ready for another year of school. AND the facial people realllllly want to see us back in 6 weeks, so- you know- it's sort of like a required doctor appointment, I am thinking.
Probably not- but still- I am not waiting another 50 years! What a blessing to have such perfect friends.
Our last night out the back window
Since I came home all refreshed and renewed... I found some new words to live by for my new year.I found Marc and Angel Hack Life, and spent all morning there. I love reading lists of do's and don'ts- I just do- so I did, nodding my head all the while I was reading. I am such a list person- these were great for me. Here are some of my favorites.
The first list I read was 10 Habits You Must Quit to be HAPPY. Luckily I don't do some of these, but these were my favorites.
Quit procrastinating your goals.
Some people dream of success while others wake up and work hard at it. Action and change are often resisted when they’re needed most. Get a hold of yourself and have discipline. Putting something off instantly makes it harder and scarier. What we don’t start today won’t be finished by tomorrow. And there’s nothing more stressful than the perpetual lingering of an unfinished task.
The secret to getting ahead is simply getting started. Starting, all by itself, is usually sufficient to build enough momentum to keep the ball rolling. So forget about the finish line and just concentrate on taking your first step. Say to yourself, “I choose to start this task with a small, imperfect step.” All those small steps will add up and you’ll actually get to see changes fairly quickly. Read Getting Things Done
So- I started my 10 Minute to Toned Arms. I realized that "pinning" something doesn't make it happen.
(PS- that's not me. haha...yet... well, never, but whatever.)

Quit trying to be someone you're not.
One of the greatest challenges in life is being yourself in a world that’s trying to make you like everyone else. Someone will always be prettier, someone will always be smarter, someone will always be younger, but they will never be you. Don’t change so people will like you. Be yourself and the right people will love you, and you’ll love yourself more too. The Road Less Traveled
(Oops- It sort of sounded like I wanted to be her in the picture above. Well, sort of with the arms. )

Next- I LOVED this whole list- 16 Things You Shouldn't Have to Justify to Anyone. It's just good to read and remember.
Don’t change so someone will like you. Be yourself and the right ones will love the real you.
(Oops- It sort of sounded like I wanted to be her in the picture above. Well, sort of with the arms. )

Next- I LOVED this whole list- 16 Things You Shouldn't Have to Justify to Anyone. It's just good to read and remember.
Don’t change so someone will like you. Be yourself and the right ones will love the real you.
And- on that note, I sort of loved this saying- WOW. True.

This is a quick one that reminded me of last week's story.
One morning during our story on the rug, a little boy in the book we were reading didn't hear his mother calling him. My little girl sitting right in front of me said so sincerely, "Oh I HATE that when my ears go blind!"
Another time, I had these balancing birds (which I have had forever) out for the class with our science center.
So... take that, Technology!
Have a wonderful weekend!
Your weekend sounds great...Happy, happy bday to u! Love the kid stories.
ReplyDeleteOn ipad at Denver airport about to get on plane to visit daughter number one. Wish i could get wifi on plane so i could read those lists. TTFN
Happy belated birthday! I went to see Tammy with my sister-in-law - what a funny, funny movie! Glad to hear you had such a great time!
ReplyDeleteYour post was inspirational! Guess it is time to stop making excuses and get on that bike! ;) Thanks...I think!
Growing Kidlets
What a great birthday surprise!!! Sounds like the perfect time! Love the ears going blind comment! Priceless!
ReplyDeleteOh my goodness your kids are hilarious! Ears go blind...priceless! I've been telling your story from last week to everyone who will listen to me. It still makes me chuckle =) Happy belated birthday! It looks like you had a great time. My mouth is watering just thinking about Cheesecake Factory and Bonefish (bang bang shrimp, please and thank you!).
Kindergarten Teacher at the Wheel
Checking out your links. I like the 'treat everyone nicely.' And I want those arms!!! Glad you had a fun spa day, Sara
ReplyDeleteHi Carolyn!
ReplyDeleteLove that quote about speaking while angry! I have a quote that I try to remember often: "Taste your words before you spit them out." Sometimes when I look into the sad little face of a kidlet that I have roused on I wish I could swallow my words back up.
Looks like you had an ah-mazing birthday trip! I hope you had a wonderful time. :)
Love, Laughter and Learning in Prep!