I am linking up with Doodle Bugs Teaching for Five for Friday. Thank you for hosting, Kacey!

Today I wanted to share one of our favorite Halloween poems with you, that I turned into a little book for the children to make.
This is Jack-O-Happy.
This is Jack-O-Sad.
This is Jack-O-Sleepy.
But Jack-All-Broken in pieces small,
And baked in a pie is best of all.
Yum! Yum!
I used to make this poem on a one sheet poster. I printed the four pumpkins and pie shape on orange paper. The children drew on each expression that matched the poem, then cut out the pumpkins and the pie. Then, they cut a few scraps to make the pieces of pumpkin. Finally, they glued the faces onto the right spot on the paper. This is a great activity to practice drawing emotions, cutting, and acting out emotions when we perform the poem.
HERE is a copy of the one sheet paper activity if you'd like it.
I enlarged the paper to 11X14 when I printed it. The download has the poem and pictures all together on one sheet, and other sheets have only the poem on one page and the pumpkins on the other, in case you wanted to print that on orange paper, or if you want the children to draw all the illustrations!
I also made it into a little book. Just click HERE if you would like a copy of the book. Here are the pages. Just copy them one sided to two sided, and then fold it in half and staple it together.
When I want the class to quiet down, we do the poem with only motions and no words. They love that, too. I love when they scare me with no words. Their little hands go crazy! Sometimes, we can't resist the "BOO," so we do all motions except for that, "BOO." Believe it or not, it still quiets the kids down!
Here's a little tip I've been using for Writer's Workshop that has worked really well- so I thought I'd share it! I KNOW the kids are supposed to have writing folders- with anchor charts inside for the kids to use as reference. And they do. BUT- by the time the kids have their books spread out, and folders everywhere- and then papers here and there- it's a mess and there isn't room to write. (Maybe it's just me and my kids.) But, they don't really use the anchor charts much anyway- so I typed the lowercase letters and our sight words on a PDF document- just simple. I took a screenshot of it, and saved it as a photo. Then, I just project that photo on the Apple TV (or Smartboard) so we can all see it and use it for reference during writing. I have a word wall, too- but this is just another place to look. I collect the books after they write anyway, because I go through them and make sticky notes for myself to use to work with that child on the next day. I use the folders totally wrong mainly after we complete books to save them, or in case we want to go back and revise.
I also put this picture on my Primary Writing Prezi, so I just zoom in on it and leave it up. But you don't need to use that- you could just project the picture of whatever you want to use for reference.
This next idea was from a mom in my class. She sent in coffee filters for bowls for snack! Maybe you already know this fun fact- but why didn't anyone tell me?!

So then, I wanted to have some great activities to go along with it. (If you give Carolyn Monster Snacks, she's going to want some activities to go with it...) SO I thought you might want to do a little monster work next week too, and I wanted to share some fun freebies with you! There are LOTS of them, but these are the ones I used with my class, plan to use next week, or just want to save to use whenever I'm in a monster kind of mood.
I found these erasers at the Dollar Tree and got quite. a. few. So... these will make a great sorting/patterning center, or great game pieces.(They are sort of a cross between monsters and robots I guess.)
I found this cute little rock monsters magnets idea at Coast Inspired Creations. She has a tutorial about how she made them. I am going to have the children paint the rocks, then I will shellac them and hot glue on the eyes they choose. I have some larger stones, so some may become paperweights instead of magnets.
These handprint monsters are adorable from Meet the Dubiens.
I always love these blow paint monsters from Raising Sparks. They are so easy and fun for the kids. I love how you just never know what they will turn out like! The children love when the colors mix. I have a roll of sticker eyes that worked well last year, instead of gluing on the googly eyes. Sometimes they don't stay on very well for me unless I hot glue them.
Then, I had the fabulous idea to just stick on the sticky eyes onto a piece of blank white paper and make copies of that. So I gave each child a piece of paper with four sets of eyes randomly placed on a paper. They could make monsters around the eyes. They had a ball! AND I didn't use up all of my sticky eyes- I just made copies of the one paper!
Make and Takes has a post about making these cute little monster bookmarks.
Erin Wing's adorable Monster Bookmarks are perfect to send home with books this week.

I love Jennifer Drake's How to Make a Decomposing Monster freebie to introduce the concept of decomposing numbers using our monster gummies! The kids loved it! I didn't make the monster box- but that would be precious.

We did this together as a class. I was just introducing the concept to the kids- and they did so well with it!
I love Rowdy in Room 300's Monster Mash activity. I use "real" googly eyes on the big monsters, and the children did a great job reading the ten frames on her worksheets!

Leslie at Kindergarten Works made and shared this adorable video about writing numbers. It is about 10 minutes long. It goes with her Monster Number Pack at her Teachers Notebook Store.
Math Coach's Corner has a Common Core: Think- Addition for Subtraction- Combinations to 5 FREEBIE at her store.

Kreative in Kinder made this cute monster dice game FREEBIE. I am going to use it for RTI with my little guys who need some extra sight word help (or number help, or letter recognition help...). If they roll a three, they need to read 3 sight words for me before they can move 3 spaces.

or these FREE Number/Letter Cards from Nicki Thigpen.
Kooky Kinders has a cute Roll and Count Monster Teeth activity. So much fun with candy corn. I bet monsters do have candy corn teeth. Pretty sure.

Have you seen these cute little Kleenex tissue boxes with the monster theme? I have saved different empty boxes to use for storing these numbers and monster related goodies.
Grade School Giggles has a fun Monster Number Word Matching Activity FREEBIE at her TPT store. It is for matching numbers and number words 0 to 29, with a recording sheet if you want the students to practice writing their numbers as well as play the matching game.

Mrs. W has an adorable Monster Positional Words activity that the kids loved!
Super Power Speech shared a great Monster Describing Game which was perfect to help the children see how important details are.

My kids had a ball with Greg Smedley's Monster Mash Letters! I still have some who need that letter recognition practice, and this made it so much fun.
Brittany Fasolino has Alphabet Monster Lower Case Cards and Alphabet Monster Upper Case Cards FREE at her TPT store.
Melissa Freshwater has an adorable Monster Madness I Have Who Has Sight Word Game FREEBIE at her TPT store. The words are clear and easy to read.
Laura Martin also has a FREE I Have, Who Has Monster Sight Word Game that is really cute.

You know what else makes good monster claw reading pointers? BUGLES! They aren't "free" at the store, but I just thought the idea fit in perfectly right here, so I thought I would share.
Andrea Nordhof has an adorable Five Silly Monsters FREEBIE at her store!
Talia Testa has a GREAT I Spy Sight Word FREEBIE at her store that I can't wait to use.
I can't wait to use my Monster Manners FREEBIE from Growing Kinders this week. This packet has great activities for discussions about good manners. My class loved it last year! I love all of Kathleen's products. We love to discuss each card and decide if it is a good or bad choice. I also love her little listening monsters. The one listening with his heart is my favorite.
Kindergarten Smorgasboard has these great Monsterously Good Behavior rewards FREE at his TPT store.

Greg also has these great Monster Award Cards FREE! They would be so much fun for the kids to collect.

I will leave you with a couple Monster video must haves!
The Groovie Goolies do the Monster Mash:
Ten Little Monsters by the Learning Station:
Thank you so much for stopping by! Have a wonderful weekend!