The first week of school, we a Class Friends Book, where each child draws himself/herself and then writes his/her name underneath. I glue on a picture of the person by the drawing. After we make it, I laminate the book, and each child gets to take it home for a night to show to his/her family and tell all about the new friends in the class.
I teach the children how to draw a person before we draw our picture for the book. I show them the chart, and then we practice making our person together.
Here is a little Punctuation Poem I made up. My little actresses were very deliberate doing this because I told them they were going to teach other people how to say the poem.
So- my new lyrics (with hand motions like above) are:
Question Mark, Comma, and Quotation Marks.
Question Mark, Comma, and Quotation Marks.
Exclamation POINT, Exclamation POINT,
Question Mark, Comma, and Quotation Marks.
Here are some charts that I use for capital letters and teaching meatball/spaghetti spaces.
This 3 Star Sentence anchor chart is from The Kindergarten Pod. We make ours the first week of school, when we begin Writer's Workshop. The children love making this chart, because they are such a part of it. It's a great way to have them create an assessment for their work. We make this one together.
That is also when I remind the children to use at least as many colors in their picture as their age. This really helps them to remember to use different colors, instead of only picking one color.
These are my charts that I use when I teach Bossy "r". Nothing really special, just helpful!
I like to use the "er" in last names when I teach that. The kids really like that, too.
These are just some random sounds that we work on throughout the year, so I make this, we talk about it, and then I put it up on my white board behind my reading table. The kids actually refer to it a lot. It's right underneath our letter/sound pictures.
I got this idea from Classroom Freebies.
You can get this professional looking one FREE at Classroom Freebies!
I like these little addition and subtraction guys. I found the little pictures from Really Good Stuff, and then added eyes, arms (cotton swabs...) hands, and fancy shoes- like all good addition and subtraction people need.
The Kinder Cupboard made these great number anchor charts!

We are also making an "I Can Sort" anchor chart, similar to this one from First Grade Blue Skies. We do lots of sorting and classifying the first couple weeks of school.

I loved this anchor chart idea for colors from First Grade and Fresh. We would probably glue pictures underneath the color words.

I made this chart to go along with the "What I Am" video. It helped me the children remember the words to the song.
I love this song.
Our "I can" poster is one of the first things we make in the classroom.
I liked this "I can" poster, too:
I feel awful because I don't know where I found this. I had just saved it as a picture- with no link- and I can't find where I got it. I'm sorry!
It would be lots of fun to make after reading Eric Carle's book From Head to Toe.
My sister's Kindergarten classroom made an adorable class book that she shared with me. I love how she made the pictures look Eric Carl-ish!
Don't forget,if you want some FREE ELA and Math "I Can" statements to use in your classroom, I have some HERE at my TPT store!
Thank you for stopping by!