I just wanted to show you what I am making for Mother's Day because I thought it was so cute- AND easy. What could be better? OH yeah, it involves candy, too- and some actual writing from the children. Here it is!
This idea and free download is from Lovely Little Snippets - and I love it with all my heart. They turned out so precious!
Stefanie was so sweet, sweet, sweet to share this! Thank you, Stefanie!

Here is the front and back up close.
I am having the children write a story about why their mom is the sweetest to go along with their candy bar. Here are some of their stories so far just to give you an idea.
Here are some of their precious covers:
Here are some of their precious covers:
Some precious pages:
My mom goes to the gym. When she goes there I miss her.
I love my mommy because she does do good stuff.
I like my mom because she makes me eggs.
I can't live without you mommy because you are so special.
I love my mom because she goes for a walk with me.
She makes a ham. And she makes a turkey. She's a good cook.
SOOO- the books are turning out so absolutely precious, and the kids were so excited about this "sweet" idea, that I am also making these, too, to go with the MOTHERS bars!
Kinzie's Kreations shared this adorable M&M Mom freebie at her blog if M&M's are more to your liking!
The finished products looked like this:
Kinzie shared this sweet printable from Over the Big Moon to go with this treat. How much do you love that?!

CUTE! I printed off the M&M labels and put together a sussie for my co-workers. Go here Monday to see!
Thanks for the cute printable! I linked back to this post. (: