These books help the children think about what things they treasure in their lives. I thought this fit in well for Thanksgiving, too. Treasures don't have to be big to be treasures. That is the exciting part. Sometimes small moments and memories are the most special treasures. Thinking of ideas for stories is still tricky for some of my kids, so having them think of a special thing or time that they 'treasure' is another way to help them think of ideas.
What a Treasure by Jane Hillenbrand and Treasures of the Heart by Alice Ann Miller are very sweet books, about 'treasure' being what is most important to you.
Will Hillenbrand, who wrote What a Treasure, has a great website. He has a matching card game, sequencing game, and literary activities to go with this book FREE at his website!
Alice Ann Miller helps the children think about the special things they treasure.
Poetic author Alice Ann Miller brings sentiment and importance to the treasures a child holds dear as he ever so cautiously shares them with his mother: "It's buried deep and very safe. I have it in my special place. Come along, it's through this door." Combining perspective with intricate detail and fanciful style, artist Kate Darnell allows us to envision our own treasures and to experience sharing them with those we love: "A yellow sock, my lucky favorite car, my cricket jar."
Another good book is The Treasure by Uri Shulevitz.
Here is a synopsis of the book:
Three times a voice comes to Isaac in his dreams and tells him to go to the capital city and look for a treasure under the bridge by the royal palace. Feeling a little foolish perhaps, but determined to see for himself if the dream is true, Isaac sets out on his long journey. What he finds makes a surprising and heart-warming ending to this retelling of a well-known folk tale. In a few words, Cadelcott Medal winner Uri Shulevitz draws a man who is innocent enough to have faith in a dream, and wise enough to understand the greatest reward of all.
These books would work really well when I do My Favorite Things unit. You can read what I do in this post. I have each child bring in their favorite thing to write about, and we learn and LOVE the song. We also watch version after version of the song on my Prezi.
If you would like the Prezi, it is free at my TPT store. We have a ball with it. I think I will revisit the books during this unit. Maybe next year I will work it out so we do this all at the same time, but sometimes it is fun to go back and reread some favorite books.
After we read our treasure books, it's perfect time to send home this Shape Treasure Hunt that the children complete at home and bring back. It's a great way to get the parents involved, and to let parents know the shapes we are learning in class. If you would like a copy of it, just click on the picture below!
I have little prizes for the kids when they finish. I have gotten shape books from the Dollar Store, or a bag of different shaped prizes- like a sphere super ball, cylinder of Smarties, a rectangular pad of paper...
Of course it is also a great time to get out treasure (aka rocks spray painted gold) at Free Choice!
A Special Kind of Class has some cute Pirate Math Work Stations that would be a great tie in with all this talk about treasures.

And the kids go on a Treasure Hunt for words in the classroom for Write Around the Room.
I wrote Sight Words on these precious cards from JK Curriculum Connection's Pirate Game. It is FREE at TPT and adorable!

Fredia Shumway has some cute treasure chest sight word cards FREE at her TPT store!

Finally, this was part of my devotion the other day- from my favorite devotional, Jesus Calling, by Sarah Young. It was too perfect for this post- and also a great reminder for me to look for and "collect" all of those treasures throughout the day!
As you go through this day, look for tiny treasures strategically placed along the way. I lovingly go before you and plant little pleasures to brighten your day. Look carefully for them, and pluck them one by one. When you reach the end of the day, you will have gathered a lovely bouquet. Offer it up to Me with a grateful heart. Receive My Peace as you lie down to sleep, with thankful thoughts laying a lullaby in your mind.
Have a wonderful day! Thank you for stopping by!
As you go through this day, look for tiny treasures strategically placed along the way. I lovingly go before you and plant little pleasures to brighten your day. Look carefully for them, and pluck them one by one. When you reach the end of the day, you will have gathered a lovely bouquet. Offer it up to Me with a grateful heart. Receive My Peace as you lie down to sleep, with thankful thoughts laying a lullaby in your mind.
Have a wonderful day! Thank you for stopping by!
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