My daughter got married on Saturday- so I am thrilled we "made it" through the wedding weekend- and absolutely beautifully, I might add! I don't think it could have been one teeny tiny bit better. It was perfect.
So- for Made It Monday, I am going to show a few wedding ideas- and my only school thing I actually finished making last week- I was sort of busy...
First of all, Ellie (my daughter) had these made by a lady on Etsy (I would ask her exactly where- but she is on her honeymoon, so I guess I will wait. :) . She makes paper roses from pages of favorite books. Ellie ordered a used book from Amazon and sent it to her. Ellie had these made from pages of my dad's favorite book and added them to her bouquet. I know she got her love of reading from my dad. (It is a stock option book, by the way... and she is an auditor- so I am thinking she got LOTS of great qualities from my dad! :)
(She was just looking down at a little ravel on her dress as we were getting ready, but I loved this picture with her bouquet. )
Ellie's husband made this box and stained it. A friend engraved it for them. They did a Wine Box ceremony during the wedding, where they each wrote letters to each other about why they fell in love and what they loved about each other. The letters and a bottle of wine are sealed inside . They open it if they are ever having a hard time - or if not, on their 5th anniversary- (so hopefully in 5 years!). They keep rewriting notes and replacing the wine, and open it again on their 10th anniversary.
Ellie and Matt decided to also have all the wedding guests write notes to them to include inside. (Of course my son wrote on one , "Fighting already? " and signed his girlfriend's name... wow... ;) I am sure most of them are very heartfelt and sweet.
They had the box on a table with wedding pictures from each side of the family, back to great grandparents!
Ellie's husband got a roll of copper wire and made these wine bottles for each table.
Ellie's sweet, sweet friend Lexi did all the hair and make up.
Their friend Adam was the photographer. They took First Look pictures- and my daughter Emily, Matt's sister Laura, Lexi and I were all up in the Bed and Breakfast room where we were getting ready- looking out the dormer window as they took First Look pictures. (So- it wasn't exactly a private moment but one of those moments I will always remember!)
Their dance...
And of course, Squirt, Matt's dog... who is also in LOVE with Ellie, was on his best behavior.
Oh- and LAST, out of last minute desperation because I am so clever, I made what I like to call "Poor Girl Spanx" for me from some control-top pantyhose that I cut off about mid-thigh. They were PERFECT. And cheap. No picture wanted needed. You can just visualize that one...
Thank you for sharing the wedding! OK- NOW here is the only thing I actually made school-wise. I had been thinking for a while what to do with my French Fry containers from Target. I decided to use these for a Math Workjob for an independent math station. After they count and finish each container, I may have them do a number writing paper for practice.
I bought sponges from the Dollar Store- 10 for $1. I used the red and blue sponges for erasers for the laminated names I am sending home for our KindergartenPicnic.
I used the yellow sponges for French Fries- who wouldn't?! It bought 2 bags of sponges and there were a perfect number of yellow sponges in there for fries 1 to 10.
I also wanted to make a sight word activity with these. I was torn. #kindergartenteacherproblems... SO- I went to McDonalds and asked for some of the Kid's Meal fry containers ( the oh-so-teeny-tiny ones that hold about 4 fries now, which I discovered when I ordered a Kid's Meal for me... If I were on Twitter, I would say #goodforthembutIwantedmanymore- That's probably not a real thing. ha. You get the idea. They are small. Can you tell I have no hashtag sense at all?!
BUT the people at our McDonalds are SO sweet, the girl asked me how many I wanted! I said ten- and TA DA!
I printed out sight words and put them on the inside. I am laminating the words and putting them on with a Velcro dot, so that I can change the words in the independent center. This is a sample.
I have some colored thick popsickle sticks. I have lots more plain sticks that I think I will spray paint yellow and use.
I put magnets on back of the letters and the French Fry container- cause my kids LOVE using the magnetic board!
I am going to have them write the words they spell with a red marker (catsup) on a recording sheet.
Thank you for stopping by, and thank you , Tara for hosting this party! :)
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